We are setting off on a new journey, now deep into the... Universe. Open the valves to see the structure of space objects.
With this book, you will learn why day and night alternate, which planet rotates lying on its side, why the Sun needs a crown, where the seas come from on the Moon, how stars are born, why a black hole is dangerous, how a space station works, which telescope is the largest, what is a year , orbit, gravity, thermonuclear reaction, dark matter and energy. Ready to fly into space? 3, 2, 1. Let's go!
Book schticks.
Large gift box.
Interactive elements: carved cardboard pages, layered illustrations, large and small flaps.
The scientific editor of the book is Vladimir Surdin, Soviet and Russian astronomer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, Senior Researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after P. K. Sternberg. Vladimir is a member of the International Astronomical Union, is the author of several books and more than 100 articles, and gives popular lectures on space.
Who is this book for?
For children from 6 years old.
2nd edition.
Release year: 2022
Cover Type: Hardcover
Weight: 804 g.
Size: 337x232x15 mm.